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Pig Farming

Pig Farming : 
In India pig farming is very profitable business, In pig farming profitability is 40% to 50%. Large white yorkshire and landrace breed is best for commercial purpose to gain profitability. Before starting the pig farming we have to searched out benefits and drawbacks of this same.

We are describing few points which are as under to avoid the failure.

  • Pig farming is not a part time work.
  • Dry feed is better than kitchen wastage, Use dry feed in your farm.
  • No compromise with the feed of the animal.
  • Dry feed is must for the breeding females.
  • Vaccination of all piglets must be done on time. (SF, HS, FMD)
  • Three iron injection must be done on right time.
Benifits of the pig farming are as under...
  • No competition. (Huge demand)
  • No credit.
  • You will be the boss.
If you want to start your new pig farm, contact us. We will support to you in your new project. We will provide you design of the construction, Animals, Medical support and scientific coordination. Our contact details are as under...

Gaur Agro
Near railway station Dibai,
Distt. Bulandshahr (UP)
Mob. (+91) 9761491000 / (+91) 9758653000
Email :


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Hello Guys, We "Gaur Agro Farm" from Distt. Bulandshahr (Uttar Pradesh). We are running a pig farm in Distt. Bulandshahr with scientific infrastructure and trained workmen. We had started our pig farm in 2012 . Presently We are totally satisfied with our business and profitability after 2 year's struggle in pig farming :) If you are planing to start your pig farm then We must say you are on right track for your success but you have to understand no success comes without struggle and hardworking. Most of the people think that pig farming is very easy task and this is part time business but that type of thinking is the main cause for the failure of pig farm. This blog is for 2 unit (20 females + 03 Males) live stock. Few points which are as under are useful in starting of your pig farm. 1. You have your own land. (Farming/Agriculture Land) 2. Shade for the animals. 3. Electricity connection. 4. Availability of fresh water. (Submer Sirbal) 5. Wastage area f

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