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90% Subsidy on Pig Farming

Good News! Govt to Allow 90% Subsidy on Goat, Sheep & Pig Farming;

Check How to Apply ?

Animal husbandry is the fastest-growing Agri-business not only in India but across the globe. After farming, animal husbandry is considered as the second most important source of income for farmers. Through cattle, goat and sheep rearing, farmers can easily earn better income or double their earning capacity. Keeping this in mind, the central government along with state government has been initiating different schemes to give more power to the farmers. Recently, the central government has decided to give subsidy on sheep, goat and pig farming. In fact, with the aim of improving the standard of sheep, goat and pig rearing, the ‘Rural Backyard Sheep, Goat and Piggery Scheme’ has been started in the state of Uttar Pradesh which will run under the supervision of Animal Husbandry Department.

Know the Cost of Goat / Sheep Rearing

Chief Veterinary Officer of UP Badaun, Dr. AK Jadoun informed that sheep/goat rearers/farmers will be given subsidy according to the unit of animals. Under this scheme, the cost of sheep and goat rearing project has been fixed at 66 thousand rupees while the pig rearing project at 21 thousand rupees per unit.

Subsidy for Goat / Sheep/Pig Farming

The central government is giving 60% while the state government will give 30% for this scheme, the stockholder will have to bear the remaining 10%. In this way, sheep and goat rearers will have to deposit Rs. 6600 and pig rearing beneficiaries have to deposit Rs. 2100 in their account opened under the scheme. The remaining funds of the scheme will be deposited through RTGS in the same account. Moreover, the department has been allocated a target of 30-30 for sheep, goat and 50 for pig.

Application Process for Subsidy on Goat / Sheep/ Pig Farming

Those who have goat/sheep/pig rearing can submit their application to the block level veterinary officer through Pradhan and the beneficiaries will be shortlisted by the district level selection committee.

Source – Amar Ujala

© Krishi Jagran Media Group - 2020

Warm Regards

Gaur Agro
Bulandshahr UP


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