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Management of Breeding Sow/Gilts in Piggery


1st Stage: Early heat signs

  • General restlessness.
  • Vulva turns red and is swollen.
  • White muscus discharge.

2nd Stage: Service period signs

  • Real Oestrus lasts for 40-60 hours.
  • Vulva becomes less red and swollen.
  • Slimy muscus discharge.
  • Tendency to mount and be mounted by others.
  • The sow or gilt will stand still when pressure is applied to her back ( can accept a men's weight sitting on her. Thus the right stage to send her to the boar).

3rd Stage: Post oestrus- period signs

  • The sow / gilt will not stand still when pressure is applied to her back.
  • The swelling of vulva disappears.


After farrowing, a sow may be slow to come in to heat. Here are a few methods used by farmers to induce heat.
  • Gently stroke the sow's vagina with a freshly cut papaya stalk every morning for 3 to 5 days.
  • Spray the sow's or gilt's pen with boar's urine every morning for 3 to 5 days.
  • Grind 1 kg of fresh dried Lotus seeds (Semen nelumbinis). Mix with 20 kg of dry feed. Feed to the sow twice a day for 5 to 7 days.
  • Bring the sow to the boar, or place the sow in a pen next to the boar.
  • Put the sow with the boar for a short period everyday when the heat is expected.
  • Always take the sow to the boar. This is less upsetting for him.
  • Put the sow and boar together just before feeding.
  • During her 24 Hrs. peak heat period allow the boar to serve twice, with an interval of about 12 to 14 Hrs intervals between services. Do not mate animals during the hot time of day.
  •  If the sow doesn't conceive, She will return on heat again in about 3 week's time.
  • 10 days before service, give the sow/gilt 1to2 kg of feed extra per day continue this for one week after service.
  • During the last month of pregnancy, give 0.5 kg extra feed per day but decrease this gradually one week before farrowing. Provide plenty of water to health prevent congested guts during farrowing.
  • Each boar should be kept in its own pen to avoid fighting. For mating, the sow is taken to the boar.


  • Remove the sow from the piglets early (At 4 to 6 weeks of age) and all at once.
  • Take the sow to a house with dry sows.
  • Put the sow close to a boar, in a way that makes direct contact (hear, see, smell) possible.
  • The sow should not be given any feed on the day of weaning.
  • The next day feed about 4 kg per day. This is called flushing and should be done for a maximum of 10 days or until the service takes place.
  • Put the sows in groups. (Stress stimulates heat)
  • If there are heat problems, change the type of feed for a few days.
  • Maintain a good climate; see to it that there is sufficient light in the house.
  • Sows should not be too fat or too thin when they are served. It is important to keep this in mind when determining the ration during the suckling period.


  • After 21 days of serving she does not show any heat signs.
  • Echo scan pregnancy detection 23 to 35 days, positive results.


  • Sows that are difficult to get in -pig (Pregnant) which only manage to rear small litters should be sold off.
  • Boars which are infertile or moderately infertile should be culled.



  • Young boars may need assistance in lining up their mate. Make sure your hands and wrists are clean and your finger nails are trimmed.
  • Pigs mate slowly. The boar may take a minute or more to reach the point of ejaculation.
  • To improve conception : Crush 1 kg of lotus seed and mix with the sow's feed. Give 2 times per day for 3 to 5 days.
  • Fat sows may have difficultly conceiving. Therefore, if a sow is too fat, reduce her feed.


  • The sow is too fat.
  • It is the animal's first heat cycle.
  • The boar is too young.
  • The boar is overworked (Used for more than 5 matings a week).

Any question/query is welcome.

Thank You.

Gaur Agro
Distt. Bulandshahr (UP)
E-Mail -
Mobile : (+91-9761491000)


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