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If you want to start your own pig farm in India, you must be aware complete project details in which you must know regarding Breed, construction of shade, Feed and medication, because lack of knowledge can be the cause of failure of your project. So you should research on these following points.

  1. Breed
  2. Feed
  3. medicines
  4. Sale and purchase
  5. Complete project cost   
Firstly you should visit few farm in your area for very first knowledge regarding this piggery project by which you can collect initial knowledge like feed and medicines.

Here in this blog I am going to give you an break-up of all expenditure in small pig farming project. Presently the cost of one mature female pig is approx. 15,000 to 20,000 and rate of fattening pig (for pork purpose) is approx. is @Rs.120/kg.

Cost of feed is very important factor in terms of cost calculation of project, because feed cot is an very major term. For cutting animals (Fattener) we use three types of feed.
  1. Starter feed
  2. Grower feed
  3. Finisher feed 
According to this chart you can feed your piglet and can do fattening. So approx cost of feed on one piglet till sale is Rs.6500/ each. for other expenditures you can see this below chart...

Here in above picture you can you can see the total project cost for 10 female pigs which is approximate 15 lacs. Now in below picture you can see the profitability ratio in a year with one unit piggery live stock.

So friends this is project cost and profit details for small pig project of 10 female pigs. If you have any other question regarding piggery farm startup you can also call to us on following details...

Mobile - 09761491000 
E-Mail -

Thanks a lot to read this blog.

Gaur Agro Team
Bulandshahr (UP)


  1. श्रीमान आपने बहुत ही सटीक जानकारी दी है मैं भी पहले सोच रहा था 4 या 5 लाख में काम हो जायेगा पर आपकी जानकारी से सब साफ हो गया ।
    ऐसे ही हमे गाइड करते रहिये ।

    1. धन्यवाद भाई साहब ।

  2. 35X60 How many Pigs can we manage to Farm ?


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